Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Hybrid nanomaterials that could replace human tissue or today's pills

A team of researchers has uncovered critical information that could help scientists understand how protein polymers interact with other self-assembling biopolymers. The research helps explain naturally occurring nano-material within cells and could one day lead to engineered bio-composites for drug delivery, artificial tissue, bio-sensing, or cancer diagnosis.

Nov 21st, 2013

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Power boosting self-cleaning solar panels

New research suggests that it might be possible to add a nanoscopic relief pattern to the surface of solar cells that makes them non-reflective significantly boosting efficiency and at the same time making them highly non-stick and self-cleaning.

Nov 21st, 2013

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Nanotechnology technique may help diabetics avoid the needle

A new nanotechnology-based technique for regulating blood sugar in diabetics may give patients the ability to release insulin painlessly using a small ultrasound device, allowing them to go days between injections - rather than using needles to give themselves multiple insulin injections each day.

Nov 21st, 2013

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Training Europe's future scientists in atomic scale research

A major EU-funded project entitled the Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Integrated Initiative (NMI3-II) got underway last year, continuing the ground breaking work of the previous project (NMI3). One major objective of is to provide European scientists with access to the full range of neutron and muon instrumentation and expertise that exists, in order to push forward collaborative research.

Nov 20th, 2013

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