Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Even thinner solar cells through use of nanoparticles?

Researchers have measured how irregularly distributed silver particles influence the absorption of light. They demonstrated that nanoparticles interact with one another via their electromagnetic near-fields, so that local 'hot spots' arise where light is concentrated especially strongly.

Apr 7th, 2014

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Organic solar cells more efficient with molecules face-to-face

New research reveals that energy is transferred more efficiently inside of complex, three-dimensional organic solar cells when the donor molecules align face-on, rather than edge-on, relative to the acceptor. This finding may aid in the design and manufacture of more efficient and economically viable organic solar cell technology.

Apr 7th, 2014

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Nanoparticles aid the microscopic detection of a protein relevant for cancer

Researchers are currently developing a novel microscopy technology for the direct detection of individual subunits of protein complexes in the cell membrane of intact cells. The methodology is applied to investigate a protein complex acting as a calcium channel in the cell membrane. The channel plays an important role in prostate cancer.

Apr 7th, 2014

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Nanopores reveal amino acid fingerprints

Researchers have taken a major step toward the sequencing of proteins, demonstrating the accurate identification of amino acids, by briefly pinning each in a nanopore between a pair of flanking electrodes and measuring a characteristic chain of current spikes passing through successive amino acid molecules.

Apr 6th, 2014

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To bridge LEDs' green gap, scientists think small - really small

Nanostructures half the breadth of a DNA strand could improve the efficiency of light emitting diodes, especially in the 'green gap', simulations have shown. Nanostructure LEDs made from indium nitride could lead to more natural-looking white lighting while avoiding some of the efficiency loss today's LEDs experience at high power.

Apr 4th, 2014

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