Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Tiny crystals to boost solar

A new approach to studying solar panel absorber materials has been developed by researchers in France. The technique could accelerate the development of non-toxic and readily available alternatives to current absorbers in thin film based solar cells.

Apr 2nd, 2014

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Europium complexes emit red light at record efficiency

Researchers worldwide continue search for better luminescent materials for OLED manufacturing. Two new compounds with europium complexes display in their class record high luminescence efficiencies in red, and their properties enable faster, low cost manufacturing of thin OLED films.

Apr 2nd, 2014

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Bio-inspired experimental nanomaterials

A new study sets out to explore the potential of three categories of bio-inspired materials, namely, adhesives, anti-adhesives, and materials designed to offer exceptional characteristics - particularly in terms of their strength-to-weight ratio.

Apr 2nd, 2014

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Printed Electronics Europe 2014 award winners

To recognize and award outstanding achievement to those involved in this rapidly growing business the annual Printed Electronics Awards are held each year. The annual awards were announced at the annual event this week in Berlin, Germany - Europe's leading event on the topic that brings together end users with suppliers.

Apr 1st, 2014

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Electrical transmission at the atomic level

Scientists have developed a new approach to how signals might be transmitted at the atomic level. This could be especially important for realising logic structures with strictly defined functions on the basis of individual atoms, which in turn could find application in transistors or diodes.

Apr 1st, 2014

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Green engineering for waste management

A pilot plant for the anaerobic digestion of organic waste is going to be used for research in the field of biogas production using wastewater, sludge and organic waste from landfills and purification plants.

Apr 1st, 2014

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