Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Smartphone-readable particles could help crack down on counterfeiting

Researchers have invented a new type of tiny, smartphone-readable particle that they believe could be deployed to help authenticate currency, electronic parts, and luxury goods, among other products. The particles, which are invisible to the naked eye, contain colored stripes of nanocrystals that glow brightly when lit up with near-infrared light.

Apr 13th, 2014

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The ATM strikes back - with nanoparticles

Hot foam may soon send criminals running if they damage ATM. Researchers have developed a special film that triggers an intense reaction when destroyed. The idea originates from a beetle that uses a gas explosion to fend off attackers.

Apr 11th, 2014

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Tuning a single nanowire improves solar cells and LEDs

Changes at the atom level in nanowires offer vast possibilities for improvement of solar cells and LED light. Researchers have discovered that by tuning a small strain on single nanowires they can become more effective in LEDs and solar cells.

Apr 11th, 2014

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Catching the (invisible) wave

Researchers create a unique semiconductor of near perfect quality with embedded nanostructures that can manipulate infrared and terahertz light.

Apr 11th, 2014

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'NanoDay in Buffalo' introduces 450 students to opportunities in nanotechnology

The students obtained an up-close look at the 21st Century science that is driving technological progress by taking part in a number of engaging presentations, nano-enabled demonstrations, and hands-on activities. Students also learned about the cutting-edge initiatives that are leading to a growing number of nanotechnology-based careers.

Apr 10th, 2014

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