Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Biologists develop nanosensors to visualize movements and distribution of plant stress hormone

Biologists at UC San Diego have succeeded in visualizing the movement within plants of a key hormone responsible for growth and resistance to drought. The achievement will allow researchers to conduct further studies to determine how the hormone helps plants respond to drought and other environmental stresses driven by the continuing increase in the atmosphere?s carbon dioxide, or CO2, concentration.

Apr 15th, 2014

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Nanoparticle-delivered local anesthesia

A technique using anesthesia-containing nanoparticles - drawn to the targeted area of the body by magnets - could one day provide a useful alternative to nerve block for local anesthesia in patients, suggests an experimental study.

Apr 15th, 2014

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Nano shake-up: Routine handling can affect nanoscale drug carriers

A common assumption is that once a nanocarrier is created, it maintains its size and shape on the shelf as well as in the body. However, recent work has shown that routine procedures in handling and processing nanocarrier solutions can have a significant influence on the size and shape of these miniscule structures.

Apr 14th, 2014

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Piezotronics and piezo-phototronics leading to unprecedented active electronics and optoelectronics

Strain-induced polarization charges in piezoelectric semiconductors can effectively modulate the electronic and optoelectronic processes of charge carriers at the metal-semiconductor interface and p-n junction, which has resulted in both novel fundamental phenomenon and unprecedented device applications. The increasing research interests in the emerging field of piezotronics and piezo-phototronics has opened up opportunities for implementing novel applications such as adaptive human-electronics interfacing, active flexible/stretchable electronics, sensing, energy harvesting, biomedical treatments and optical MEMS.

Apr 14th, 2014

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Shiny quantum dots brighten future of solar cells

A house window that doubles as a solar panel could be on the horizon, thanks to recent quantum-dot work. The project demonstrates that superior light-emitting properties of quantum dots can be applied in solar energy by helping more efficiently harvest sunlight.

Apr 14th, 2014

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Device turns flat surface into spherical antenna

By depositing an array of tiny, metallic, U-shaped structures onto a dielectric material, a team of researchers has created a new artificial surface that can bend and focus electromagnetic waves the same way an antenna does.

Apr 14th, 2014

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Combs of light accelerate communication

Miniaturized optical frequency comb sources allow for transmission of data streams of several terabits per second over hundreds of kilometers - this has now been demonstrated by researchers in a recent experiment.

Apr 14th, 2014

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New technique takes cues from astronomy and ophthalmology to sharpen microscope images

The complexity of biology can befuddle even the most sophisticated light microscopes. Biological samples bend light in unpredictable ways, returning difficult-to-interpret information to the microscope and distorting the resulting image. New imaging technology rapidly corrects for these distortions and sharpens high-resolution images over large volumes of tissue.

Apr 13th, 2014

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