Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Electronic 'tongue' to ensure food quality

An electronic 'tongue' could one day sample food and drinks as a quality check before they hit store shelves. Or it could someday monitor water for pollutants or test blood for signs of disease.

Dec 3rd, 2014

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Colorful nano-guides to the liver

Scientists have been successful in producing highly specific nanoparticles. Depending on the bound dye the particles are guided to the liver or to the kidney and deliver their payload of active ingredients directly to the targeted tissue.

Dec 3rd, 2014

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Elektronenpaare auf Knopfdruck

Phsyiker konnten erstmals die paarweise Emission von Elektronen aus einem Halbleiter-Quantenpunkt und deren anschlie�ende r�umliche Aufspaltung in zwei getrennte Leiter nachweisen.

Dec 3rd, 2014

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