Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scalable growth of high quality bismuth nanowires

Bismuth nanowires have intriguing electronic and energy-harvesting application possibilities. However, fabricating these materials with high quality and in large quantities is challenging. Researchers have now demonstrated a new technique to produce single- crystal nanowires atop arbitrary substrates, including glass, silicon, and metal, when an intermediate layer of vanadium is present.

Dec 11th, 2014

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A golden thread through the labyrinth of nanomaterials

The LICARA guidelines are geared towards small and medium-sized enterprises from all branches of industry, and help weigh up the pros and cons of nanomaterials and make decisions on their use. The guidelines also do their bit towards efficient communication in the value added chain.

Dec 11th, 2014

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Defects are perfect in laser-induced graphene (w/video)

Researchers have created flexible, patterned sheets of multilayer graphene from a cheap polymer by burning it with a computer-controlled laser. The process works in air at room temperature and eliminates the need for hot furnaces and controlled environments, and it makes graphene that may be suitable for electronics or energy storage.

Dec 10th, 2014

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Catalysis at the sub-nanoscale - the gold standard

Precious elements such as platinum work well as catalysts in chemical reactions, but require large amounts of metal and can be expensive. However, computational modeling below the nanoscale level may allow researchers to design more efficient and affordable catalysts from gold.

Dec 9th, 2014

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