Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoscale spheres allow low-cost creation of 3-D nanostructures

Researchers have developed a new lithography technique that uses nanoscale spheres to create three-dimensional (3-D) structures with biomedical, electronic and photonic applications. The new technique is significantly less expensive than conventional methods and does not rely on stacking two-dimensional patterns to create 3-D structures.

Dec 8th, 2014

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Atomic 'mismatch' creates nano 'dumbbells'

Researchers are closer to understanding the process by which nanoparticles made of more than one material - called heterostructured nanoparticles - form. This process, known as heterogeneous nucleation, is the same mechanism by which beads of condensation form on a windowpane.

Dec 5th, 2014

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Light propagation in solar cells made visible

How can light which has been captured in a solar cell be examined in experiments? Scientists have succeeded in looking directly at light propagation within a solar cell by using a trick. The photovoltaics researchers are working on periodic nanostructures that efficiently capture a portion of sunlight which is normally only poorly absorbed.

Dec 5th, 2014

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Filming chemistry with a high speed x-ray camera

A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms in and between molecules, the breaking of old and the formation of new bonds. The glue that binds atoms in molecules and creates the bonds between them is made out of valence electrons. Scientists were able to show theoretically that the ultrafast x-ray camera is not only sensitive to inert core electrons but may also visualize the motion of chemically active valence electrons.

Dec 5th, 2014

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Graphen gegen Reibung und Verschleiss

Mit atomistischen Simulationen ist es Forschern gelungen, das Verhalten einer Graphenschutzschicht auf Platin (111) unter verschiedenen Anpressdr�cken auf atomarer Ebene pr�zise abzubilden.

Dec 5th, 2014

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The finer details of rust

The behaviour of iron oxide surfaces has startled scientists for years. New research shows that everybody has been thinking about them all wrong.

Dec 5th, 2014

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