Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

2D titanium trisulfide's properties show promise

One completed a series of theoretical calculations to predict its properties with the help of a massive computing center. The other grew it in bulk before waxing its atom-thin whiskers with the assistance of adhesive tape.

Jun 23rd, 2015

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Kirigami art could enable stretchable plasma screens

In the future, a little bend in your smartphone might be considered a feature rather than a defect. An important component of future electronics that can be rolled up, folded or embedded in flexible objects is the stretchable conductor, which would make up components like wires and electrodes.

Jun 23rd, 2015

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Scientists present III-V epitaxy and integration to go below 14nm

Scientists have unveiled a breakthrough approach in two publications for growing and integrating nano-sized III-V semiconductor devices on silicon. Both papers offer the microelectronics industry a possible answer to the long term challenge of creating a new powerful and energy efficient, yet smaller transistor to pave path for technology scaling for advanced CMOS nodes.

Jun 23rd, 2015

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Scientists use nanotechnology to grow living E.coli bacteria into very different shapes: squares, triangles, circles

Scientists have found a way to use nanotechnology to grow living E.coli bacteria into very different shapes: squares, triangles, circles, and even as letters. They also managed to grow supersized E.coli with a volume thirty times larger than normal. These living oddly-shaped bacteria allow studies of the internal distribution of proteins and DNA in entirely new ways.

Jun 22nd, 2015

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Soft core, hard shell - the latest in nanotechnology

Medical science is placing high hopes on nanoparticles as in future they could be used, for example, as a vehicle for targeted drug delivery. An international team of researchers has for the first time succeeded in assaying the stability of these particles and their distribution within the body. Their results show that a lot of research is still needed in this field.

Jun 22nd, 2015

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