Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Diamonds are for temperature

Luminescent signals from green glowing diamond defects could monitor temperature in a range of physical and biological systems with unprecedented versatility.

Jun 16th, 2015

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Theory turns to reality for nonlinear optical metamaterials (w/video)

A research team has realized one of the long-standing theoretical predictions in nonlinear optical metamaterials: creation of a nonlinear material that has opposite refractive indices at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of light. Such a material, which doesn't exist naturally, had been predicted for nearly a decade.

Jun 16th, 2015

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Buckle up for fast ionic conduction

Material engineers found that the performance of ion-conducting ceramic membranes that are so important in industry depends largely on their strain and buckling profiles. For the first time, scientists can now selectively manipulate the buckling profile, and thus the physical properties, allowing new technical applications of these membranes.

Jun 15th, 2015

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