Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Towards graphene biosensors

For the first time, a team of scientists has succeeded in precisely measuring and controlling the thickness of an organic compound that has been bound to a graphene layer. This might enable graphene to be used as a sensitive detector for biological molecules in the future.

Jun 24th, 2015

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Nanowires could be the LEDs of the future

LEDs made from nanowires will use less energy and provide better light. Researchers studied nanowires using X-ray microscopy and with this method they can pinpoint exactly how the nanowire should be designed to give the best properties.

Jun 24th, 2015

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New device tracks chemical signals within cells

Biomedical engineers have invented a new device that more quickly and accurately 'listens in' on the chemical messages that tell our cells how to multiply. The tool improves our understanding of how cancerous growth begins, and could identify new targets for cancer medications.

Jun 24th, 2015

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Setting the standard for graphene

A recent estimate suggested there are more than 600 different types of graphene, commercial organisations looking to work with the material can struggle to know where to start. To address this problem, The University of Manchester and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have joined forces by holding the Graphene UK Standardisation Workshop at the National Graphene Institute (NGI).

Jun 24th, 2015

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'Pick and mix' smart materials for robotics

Researchers have developed a simple 'recipe' for combining multiple materials with single functions into a single material with multiple functions: movement, recall of movement and sensing - similar to muscles in animals. The materials could be used to make robotics far more efficient by replacing bulky devices with a single, smarter, life-like material.

Jun 24th, 2015

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