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Start-up spreads clean energy in Africa

A group of highly-skilled engineering alumni, Master's and PhD students from Masdar Institute have formed a startup company called the Nigeria Future Energy Group (NiFEG), focused on clean energy development and deployment throughout Nigeria.

Sep 9th, 2016

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Smart buoy for measuring water pollutants

Researchers develop a smart monitoring system by combining various technologies in a depth profile-measuring multi-sensor buoy for monitoring water bodies and in particular algae growth.

Sep 9th, 2016

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Ecological intensification of agriculture

Putting a halt to the profound changes affecting agricultural landscapes: With this goal in mind, scientists, farmers and official representatives teamed up to look into ecological intensification as a potential solution.

Sep 9th, 2016

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A polyphenyline fuel cell membrane outperforms the market

Fuel cells provide power without pollutants. But, as in the Goldilocks story, membranes in automobile fuel cells work at temperatures either too hot or too cold to be maximally effective. A novel polyphenyline membrane, though, seems to work just about right.

Sep 8th, 2016

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Harvesting water from air with less energy

Getting clean water to communities in parched areas of the planet remains an ongoing challenge. Recent developments that harvest water from air have been proposed as a solution. Based on new modeling results, scientists report that a new system design would require less energy and produce high-quality water.

Sep 7th, 2016

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Time window for action to limit climate change is closing rapidly

The window of opportunity for limiting climate warming up to 2 C is closing rapidly. However, a reinforcing upward spiral of national government policy, non-state actions and transformative coalitions will be essential even after the Paris agreement, if dangerous climate change is to be avoided.

Sep 1st, 2016

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Extending the life span of wind turbines

The Spanish technology centre Cener gives an overview of the first results coming from the testing phase on the software, the blade configurations and the control strategies developed during the European Windtrust project.

Sep 1st, 2016

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A software 'detective' for wind power generation

Advanced detection of wind anomalies could help prolong the lifespan of wind turbine components and reduce the cost of wind energy generation. In this context, European researchers have developed smart control software.

Aug 30th, 2016

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New approach to computing boosts energy efficiency

A European research project has launched a set of tools that will make computer systems more energy efficient - a critical issue for modern computing. Using the framework of the project programmers has been able to provide large data streaming aggregations 54 times more energy efficient than with standard implementations.

Aug 29th, 2016

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