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Closing the carbon loop

A chemical engineering team identifies new catalyst that advances capture and conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Dec 7th, 2016

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Energy hybrid: Battery meets super capacitor

New work demonstrates that it is possible to combine the high-energy density of batteries with the high-power output of super capacitors in a single system - thanks to liquid energy storage materials.

Dec 1st, 2016

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Using synthetic photosynthesis to combat climate change

In future, greenhouse gas carbon dioxide could be removed from the atmosphere by deploying a new biological method. Scientists have developed a synthetic but completely biological metabolic pathway based on the model of photosynthesis that fixes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 20% more efficiently that plants can photosynthetically.

Nov 21st, 2016

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New biofuel cell with energy storage

Researchers have developed a hybrid of a fuel cell and capacitor on a biocatalytic basis. With the aid of enzymatic processes, what's known as a biosupercapacitor efficiently generates and stores energy.

Nov 15th, 2016

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Anglophone political populism and the cultural rejection of climate change

Donald Trump's US election victory follows hard on the back of the UK's Brexit vote in June. The results - an expression of collective public preference from the electorate - have shaken political and cultural establishments on both sides of the Atlantic. In light of what these two popular votes signify in the context of climate change, it is perhaps ironic that it was largely US and UK science which, from the 1970s through the 1990s, really drove the scientific, public and political construction of the idea of anthropogenic global warming.

Nov 14th, 2016

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Making data centers green

An international cooperation ICT research project has been established to reduce currently high and inefficient energy consumption on data centers from the perspective of job scheduling and resource management.

Nov 14th, 2016

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