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A reliance on negative emissions technologies is locking in carbon addiction

A new study reveals the scale and widespread reliance on 'negative emissions technologies', which remain at best experimental. Nevertheless the models being used to advise governments on what action to take are dominated by such highly speculative technologies, with many assuming their mass roll-out beginning within the decade.

Oct 13th, 2016

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Innovative molten silicon-based energy storage system

Researchers are developing a novel system that allows the storage energy in molten silicon which is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust. The system aims to develop a new generation of low cost solar thermal stations and becoming a innovative storage system of electricity and cogeneration for urban centers.

Oct 7th, 2016

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Sustainability projects offer potential seeds for a more just future

It is rare to hear environmental scientists sounding positive about the future. But that's exactly what's happening now with an international group of researchers. Because over the past two years, they have been gathering examples of positive initiatives of various kinds from communities around the world.

Oct 5th, 2016

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Efficient recycling of lithium-ion batteries

Funding was granted to develop an innovative recycling process for valuable battery materials to be reinserted into the battery supply chain. The goal of the NEW-BAT project is a robust, energy efficient and economically viable system with wide application potential.

Sep 13th, 2016

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