Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1576 - 1600 of 1695

The Advanced Micro and Nanosystems Laboratory's research has a strong focus on bio-oriented micro and nanosystems. The actively pursued areas are micro-nano device design and fabrication (MEMS sensors and actuators, bioMEMS, and NEMS); microrobotic biomanipulation; microstructure controls; cellular mechanobiology; nanorobotic manipulation of nanomaterials.
ECAN's mission is to provide visionary leadership in creating a solid, dynamic, multidisciplinary research and development infrastructure for Canada.
EPMG is a research group dedicated to the training of highly-qualified personnel in understanding the science and engineering of electronic materials suitable for advancing the performance of future generations of electronic and photonic devices.
The Chan research group aims to elucidate the cell's molecular dynamics by using recent developments in nanotechnology, microtechnology, and molecular engineering.
The Ozin research group at the University of Toronto
The Sargent Group at the University of Toronto applies discoveries in nanoscience towards applications relevant to our health, environment, security, and connectedness. The team unites chemistry, physics, and engineering within six experimental laboratories at the University of Toronto.
The student-run Nanoclub aims to promote nanotechnology at the University of Toronto.
The lab of Nicola Pugno, Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics.
The Prato group at the University of Trieste conducts research on nanostructures such as organic functionalization of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes.
Research on nanoparticles in the Department of Chemical Sciences.
The Center for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems (BRAINS) combines core expertise in nanoscience and nanotechnology with expertise from computer science, applied mathematics, artificial intelligence and neuroscience, to lay the scientific foundations for a new generation of powerful, energy-efficient computing hardware.
The group investigates photonic band gap crystals, Anderson localization and diffusion of light, random lasers and related phenomena.
MESA+ institute for nanotechnology, trains graduate students and PhD-students and conducts research in the fields of nanotechnology, microsystems, materials science and microelectronics. Unique of MESA+ is its multidisciplinary composition. Many research groups of the faculties Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science (EEMCS) and Science and Technology (S&T) participate in the MESA+ institute.
The MSc Nanotechnology is a 2 year programme for anybody having a BSc degree in any applied science. The educational programme is offering you a multidisciplinary approach to this new emerging field, forming an excellent preparation for a scientific career both at the university or in industry.
The Nano Electronic Materials cluster specialises in creating and characterising thin films and in designing, modelling and constructing low-dimensional nanomaterials for electronic and optical applications.
The graduate research programmes of the Twente Graduate School are set up as a coherent and integrated master and doctorate course that runs over a period of five to at most six years leading to a PhD degree.
(German language site) The center's objectives are technology and know-how transfer; to develop dedicated solutions and materials; to develop market-oriented innovative products by utilising the know-how of the partners
The Unit has brought together a multi-disciplinary group of staff from a range of disciplines to undertake various forms of advanced materials research, including such topics as composites, materials characterisation, sensors, biomaterials, plasma processing, metal forming, nanoscience and nanofabrication.
NIBEC represents a consolidation of eight advanced functional materials research groups, dealing with thin film material types used in electronics, photonics, nanotechnology, sensors, MEMS, optical, environmental, magnetic and bio-material devices.
High priority research area focussing on fundamental and applied research associated with Health and sustainable technologies.
The research lab of Prof. Massood Tabib-Azar at the University of Utah's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering studies include non-volatile memory devices, microfluidics, microwave technologies for nanometrology, MEMS and NEMS, molecular electronics, and novel electronic materials (carbon nanotubes, and nano-particles) and devices.
The focus point for a variety of individual and collaborative research within various colleges and departments at the university.
CAMTEC is a research centre committed to interdisciplinary work on advanced materials and technology.
Research interests of the group is focused on quantum nanophysics with large molecules and nanoparticles: Matter-wave coherence, interference and decoherence; Quantum-enhanced molecule & cluster metrology; New trapping and cooling schemes; New molecular beam and detection methods.
Runs the Solid State Spectroscopy research group at the University of Vienna.