Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1351 - 1375 of 1695

The SWAMP (Structural Analysis with Advanced Materials Processing) Center in the College of Engineering at the University of Florida features interdisciplinary activities aimed at understanding, optimizing, and developing new techniques for the manufacture of advanced materials. The center is devoted to understanding and modeling fundamental properties and reliability of the materials and devices involved in micro- and nano-electronics in both Si, Ge and compound semiconductors including the III-Nitrides and InGaAs.
The group does research in the field of Experimental Solid State Physics, one of the most diverse and ? both regarding fundamental and applied science ? important fields in modern physics.
The group is mainly concerned with studying the interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in thin film systems and nanostructures.
The Adolphe Merkle Institute (AMI) is an independent competence center at the University of Fribourg that focuses on research and education in the domain of soft nanomaterials.
The Fink Group focuses on the synthesis and characterization of novel multifunctional and/or hybrid particles and materials for a variety of applications, predominately in biology and medicine. The group works on a variety of interdisciplinary research projects ranging from reactor development and nanoengineering to biotechnology and surface chemistry. While addressing fundamental problems, our research efforts are also highly relevant to important societal issues such as environment and sustainability, human health and nanobiotechnology.
The James Watt Nanofabrication Centre is a new facility within Glasgow University centred on the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. The focus is on interdisciplinary research at the nanometre scale and the JWNC brings together many different research groups working in engineering and the physical and life sciences. The Centre has comprehensive micro and nanofabrication facilities housed within 750 m2 of cleanroom space including one of the most advanced large area high resolution electron beam lithography tools in the world.
The Masters in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology teaches you the skills desired by modern industry for scientists and engineers doing research, development and production in nanoscience and nanofabrication. This multidisciplinary programme will complement your background in electronics, materials science, or physics. Prestigious Scottish Funding Council Awards are available to high calibre applicants for this programme.
The Nanoelectronics Research Centre provides a focus for diverse research activities within the University of Glasgow linked by a common interest in Nanoelectronics and Nanofabrication.
The lab carries out research in the underlying science of optical processes in semiconductor nanostructures, i.e., device-relevant science.
The group's research program is devoted to the investigation of the physical concepts of a subwavelength light technology (Nano-Optics), mainly based on surface plasmon excitations in metal nanostructures.
The group's research is focused on the characterization and manipulation of nanostructures, single atoms and functionalized molecules on surfaces. By using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) at different temperatures, they are imaging them with atomic and submolecular resolution while spectroscopy provides information on their electronic structure.
The research program of the Feringa group at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands is focussed on synthetic organic chemistry with a major part of the research is directed towards nanotechnology and novel functional materials, like molecular switches and motors.
The Top Master programme in Nanoscience aims to train the cutting-edge scientists of the future. This is achieved by offering a challenging interdisciplinary programme and by admitting only very talented and motivated students. The courses are taught by top international scientists, and a large part of the programme consists of actually conducting scientific research, alongside world-class scientists, using the state-of-the-art facilities of the Zernike Institute.
Within the NanoLab NL program, the infrastructure in Groningen is designed to function as the Dutch center for bottom-up (bio)molecular electronics and functional (bio)molecular nanostructures, and for the development of nanostructures based on supramolecular interactions and molecular lithography.
The classic materials triangle concerns an integrative approach in the three aspects of structure, property and chemical composition. The Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials adds an extra dimension to this traditional view by an unconventional linkage to the field of biomolecular sciences, which includes the design aspects as well.
At Guelph we have created a unique approach to nanoscience studies. Fundamental science course are combined with specially designed courses in nanoscience covering material that would previously only be found in graduate programs.
The research website of Prof. Robert Blick at the University of Hamburg. His research deals with nanoelectronics, nanomechanics, and bio-nano phenomena.
Their research activities are concentrated on nanometer-scale science and technology based on scanning probe methods (SPM). In particular, we investigate the fundamental relationship between nanostructure and nanophysical properties.
The Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering is a research center of the University of Hannover, focussed on research in the field of nanotechnology.
Research fields include electron beam and scanning probe lithography, tunnel spectroscopy and transport experiments in Si/SiGe heterostructures.
Cluster Research Group in the department of physics at the University of Hawaii
Research in this group is geared towards the development of designer nanoparticles to enable the next generation of molecular transformations driven under mild conditions.
The primary goal of INE is to develop breakthrough technologies in energy storage and generation (solar and wind) by developing organic based nano-photonic, nano-phononic and nanomechanical composites that are manufactured by means of sophisticated material control mechanisms. This is achieved through the use of a variety of techniques including electron and optical microscopy, spectroscopy, nanofabrication and self-assembly. The ability to design, assemble and engineer nanostructures will rely predominately on understanding and controlling the interactions between the nanostructures.
A dedicated laboratory offers nanotechnology services.
The network brings together well established research groups and industrial concerns in complementary fields of precision engineering and nanometrology in the UK.