Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1076 - 1100 of 1695

This course provides students with the knowledge, motivation, and self-learning skills required for continuous professional development during their future careers and provides valuable experience of working on complex projects both as individuals and as team members. The full-time scheme lasts for 12 months and consists of two taught semesters (Part I), followed by a three-month period of individual research (Part II) during the summer.
Research within the Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre is carried out in a variety of fields such as nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine, nanoparticles on surfaces or nanoscale modelling.
FOI conducts research and development directed towards the optimisation of performance, effectiveness, reliability and safety. Research in materials is focused largely on general areas such as nanotechnology.
In order to promote safe use and handling of manufactured nanomaterials, the platform aims to strengthen the communication and cooperation between different stakeholders to ensure knowledge exchange in the field of nanosafety.
The Centre for Micro-Photonics is an internationally leading Centre in biophotonics and nanophotonics.
Each age in human civilisation history is defined by a signature material. Developments in nanomaterials over the past 30 years has helped miniaturise and improve electronics, medicine, communications, manufacturing, and almost every aspect of our life. At the Centre for Translational Atomaterials they are searching for the next signature materials for the coming age.
As the materials research institute in the ETH-domain, Empa is most certainly active in nanotechnology and is generating new knowledge, new materials and new applications and is transferring this knowhow to potential users.
FIRST is a technology and cleanroom facility for advanced Micro- and Nanotechnology
The Functional Materials Laboratory (FML) is exploring the interface between materials and chemistry (catalysis) and biology (cell culture).
The Laboratory for Nanoelectronics investigates the potential of nanoscale materials in electronic devices at each point in the energy life-cycle ? collection, storage, and usage. Using a combination of experiment and theory, they study the fundamental electronic properties of materials and apply their findings to the rational design of devices that harness the novel form factors and properties provided by nano-sized materials. They focus on the design and fabrication of solid state and electrochemical devices including solar cells, batteries, and efficient LEDs
The group finds the optimal length scale for diverse materials properties and design materials accordingly.
The LSST is involved in research and teaching in numerous areas of surface science and technology, with a special focus on the areas of tribology, functional biointerfaces, biomedical interfaces, dynamic biointerfaces, surface functionalization, surface forces, and advanced surface analytical techniques.
The Applied Mechanobiology Laboratory exploits nanotechnology tools to decipher how bacteria, mammalian cells, and micro-tissues take advantage of mechanical forces to recognize and respond to material properties in their native environments.
The group's research focuses on the preparation of ultra-small semiconductor structures with the aim to investigate experimentally new, unusual and unexpected physical systems. In particular they are interested in structures that operate at the crossover between classical physics and quantum physics.
The group's interest is in development of nanomanufacturing techniques for bridging nanoscience and real world applications.
The group targets manufacturing techniques for the micro and nano-scale that rely on assembly principles observed in living cells. They particularly focus on maskless techniques outside of cleanrooms, at the solid-liquid interface, and suitable for a wide range of materials.
Research in the group encompasses all that has to do with the study of the interaction of light and matter at the nanometer scale.
Researching the synthesis and processing of nanoparticles.
The interdisciplinary curriculum is centred on mechanical and electrical engineering courses of importance for micro and nanosystems engineers, complemented by courses in physics, chemistry, biology, material science, computational science, business administration and management.
Swiss Nano-Cube is a new interactive knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnology. It aims to spark interest in nanotechnology and engineering among students and young professionals. It is addressed to teachers and students of vocational schools, secondary schools as well as higher professional schools.
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) developed from the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Nanoscale Science and constitutes a priority program of the University of Basel.
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) is the only title recognized by the confederation for postgraduate studies at the master level in the natural and engineering sciences. The Master of Advanced Studies is euro compatible.
The University of Sydney has recently completed construction of the Sydney Nanoscience Hub - one of the most advanced research and teaching facilities globally in the field of nanoscience.
The mission of the TASC-INFM National Laboratory is twofold: 1) It serves as a national resource for the solid state physics materials science, and synchrotron radiation spectroscopy communities, and 2) it implements a number of advanced in-house research programs including growth and elaboration of new materials and nanostructures.
The group works in mostly three areas: nanomaterials, nanophysics and nanophotonics