Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 26 - 50 of 62 for research and community organizations starting with I:

The IBMB is dedicated to the study of the molecular and genetic mechanisms involved in biological processes relevant for the development and the physiology of the living organisms. Includes nanobiology.
A foundation of the state of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart is involved in industry-oriented research in silicon technology, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), photo lithography and image sensors as well as vocational education.
The Institute Jean Lamour (IJL) is a new Mixed Research Unity of The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). With around 450 people, including 150 researchers and teacher-researchers, 90 technical and administrative staff, 150 PhD students and 60 post-docs, long-term visitors and students, the Institute is organized around three scientific departments (Matter Physics and Materials, Chemistry and Physics of Solids and Surfaces, Science and Engineering of Materials and Metallurgy) and eight centers of competence.
Research concerns the study of advanced functional materials and nanoscopic systems with a purely organic or metal-organic nature (either molecular solids or polymers) and useful electronic (superconductors, metallic conductors, semiconductors), magnetic (ferromagnets, superparamagnets, single molecule magnets, nanporous magnets, etc), and/or optical properties, and materials processing using compressed fluids and nanotechnology.
Group activity focuses on the controlled and rational synthesis of inorganic and hybrid (inorganic-organic) nanoparticles and nanocomposites and the study of their structural -functional properties. Among others, they are currently interested in the stabilization of metastable phases, the preparation of core-shell nanoparticles, stable colloidal dispersions and porous nanocomposites.
AMOLF is one of five research institutes of the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). The current research at AMOLF focuses on three areas: Life science inspired physics, nanophysics and femtosecond dynamics of matter
This group at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden deals with nanoscale research in areas such as photonics, electronics, nanomaterials design, quantum optics, or biophysics.
IMM is a nonprofit foundation formed in 1991 to conduct and support research on molecular systems engineering and molecular manufacturing (molecular nanotechnology, or MNT). IMM also promotes guidelines for research and development practices that will minimize risk from accidental misuse or from abuse of molecular nanotechnology.
The IMS, part of the National Institute of Natural Sciences, investigates fundamental properties of molecules and molecular assemblies through both experimental and theoretical methods.
The Institute is the Italian leading center for the growth and chemical-physical characterization of molecular thin films, and it is involved in several European Community Projects.
The Institute for New Materials has already been concentrating since 1990 on the research in and development of new nanomaterials to production maturity and is a European center of chemical nanotechnology for material innovations.
The main aim of CNR, based in Rome, is the study and fabrication of advanced devices for photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. Nanotechnologies play a prominent role in these research fields. The combined expertise in nanofabrication, materials and photonics creates a synergy able to compete in this very new and challenging field.
The Department's efforts are focused on the utilization of plasmonic effects in metallic nanostructures in the molecular ensemble, and their integration in technical environments.
The Department, the first of its kind in Iran, was set up in March 2003 in a brand new building to concentrate the research on all aspects of computational nano-science, and to help promote the fields of nano-science and nano-technology across the country.
The Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT) is the biggest educational institution of its kind in Central Europe. Research includes Nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, thin films.
The main research focus of the Centre concentrates on the subject of Physics and Technology of Photonic Nanostructures.
IEMN is a research institute created by the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), two universities and an Engineer school of France's northern region. The IEMN scientific activity covers a large domain going from the physics of materials and nanostructures to microwaves, telecommunications and acoustics instrumentation.
Nanomaterials and nanocomposites (eg photocatalysts for environmental applications, lamellar pigments based on mica coated with metal oxide layers).
ICFO targets the core of the current and future widespread applications of optical technologies, including remote sensing, biophotonics, quantum information, and nanotechnologies.
Since its foundation in 1992, the IPHT has performed top-rank research and development receiving worldwide appreciation. Its present concentration on photonic technology aims at strengthening its existing scientific and technological competences and to expand into new areas of modern optics. The institute's ambitious goal is to be among the world?s leading developers of photonic technology and its applications.
G-CNN is a multidisciplinary group, internationally recognised in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. G-CNN has wide exsperience and expertise in synthesis, functionalization, processing and characterization of carbon nanotubes. G-CNN is specialized in the development of highly functional advanced nanocomposites.
The main mission of this Institute is to create new fundamental and applied knowledge in materials of high technological impact, their processing and their transfer to the productive sectors at local, national and International scales, the training of new professionals, and the dissemination of the scientific knowledge.
The aim of this research group is to study systems at the nanometer scale. In particular they study molecules, atomic layers with thickness in the nanometer range and atomically clean surfaces. The group tries to find out which is the atomic or molecular structure and the specific electronic properties derived from the low-dimensionality of the systems.
A joint center of the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC - Spanish National Research Council) and the Universidad de Sevilla. Together with its counterpart institutes in Barcelona and Madrid, it forms part of the Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM - National Microelectronics Center).
The core area 'Vacuum Technology and Nanofabrication' at ITRC provides advanced vacuum system development, thin film and micro/nano structure fabrication and measurement service platform.