Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 51 - 75 of 289

The EMERGNANO project has been commissioned by Defra in the UK to capture and critically appraise the emerging evidence concerning the health and environmental risks of nanomaterials.
eNanoMapper (ENM) proposes a computational infrastructure for toxicological data management of engineered nanomaterials based on open standards, ontologies and an interoperable design to enable a more effective, integrated approach to European research in nanotechnology.
The ENPRA project is a major European Framework 7 project to develop and implement a novel integrated approach for engineered nanoparticle (ENP) risk assessment.
ePIXfab was started as the Silicon Photonics Platform within the framework of ePIXnet, the FP6 Network of Excellence on photonic integrated components and circuits. The mission of ePIXfab is to build a future for silicon photonics in Europe through the development of a fabless model for the fabrication of silicon photonic circuits based on existing CMOS labs and commercial foundries relying on European know-how.
The European FP6 Network of Excellence ePIXnet provides a platform to its academic and industrial partners for sharing and integrating research facilities and research know-how in the field of photonic integrated components and circuits.Research themes: Towards technologies for photonic VLSI; Nanophotonics; Advanced materials; Integrated and integratable light sources; Ultra-wide band photonic signal; processing.
The European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) provides information about existing nanomaterials on the EU market. Whether you are developing policies in the area, a consumer or representing industry or a green NGO, the information on the EUON offers interesting reading about the safety, innovation, research and uses of nanomaterials. EUON is hosted and maintained by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
The first European Infrastructure for micro and nano fabrication and characterisation using a broad range of materials. EUMINAfab partners offer no-fee access to 36 installations with the necessary technical support personnel in the areas of micro and nano patterning, thin film deposition, replication and characterisation.
The EuroIndiaNet project aims to promote stronger collaboration between EU and Indian scientists and industrialists in the areas of the nanosciences and nanotechnologies.
Based on the success of the EuroNanoMed ERA-NET initiative (2009-2011), support to the European Nanomedecine research community is continuing. The EuroNanoMed II ERA-NET project, comprising 20 partners from 17 countries/regions, has been granted funding through the EC?s 7th Framework Programme. It will run from November 2012 to October 2016.
The integrated project PACE will explore the utilization of the simplest technically feasible elementary living units to build evolvable complex information systems. The Center will create, analyse and investigate the applications of such systems that process information by self-organization starting at molecular scales. They will explore the collective properties of artificial cells and demonstrate that they are the right material for building nanoscale robot ecologies.
The objectives of ANNA are to integrate and enhance European analytical resources and to create a centre of excellence of analysis for nanotechnologies and a multi?site laboratory.
EuMaT has been launched in order to assure optimal involvement of industry and other important stakeholders in the process of establishing of R&D priorities in the area of advanced engineering materials and technologies.
A group of 53 European stakeholders, composed of industrial and academic experts, has established a European Technology Platform on nanomedicine.
The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility is a User Facility charged with providing support and service to research under way in academic, government and industrial laboratories. All domains that need knowledge about electronic excitations, transport and spectroscopy will benefit from the ETSF, such as condensed matter physics and chemistry, biology, materials and nanoscience. Theoretical Spectroscopy reveals the mechanisms of electronic excitations and can predict new materials properties. This combination of quantum mechanics theory and numerical calculations constitutes an approach that is complementary to experiment.
Here you can find information about existing nanomaterials on the EU market. Whether you are developing policies in the area, a consumer or representing industry or a green NGO, the information on European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) offers interesting reading about the safety, innovation, research and uses of nanomaterials.
The European EuroQUAM Program focuses on four themes with linked objectives: Atomic quantum gases with controllable interactions; Formation of molecules in ultracold atomic gases; Cooling molecules; and Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg gases.
The overall objective of EuroSQIP is to develop a 3/4-qubit quantum information processor (QIP) capable of running elementary quantum algorithms and protocols; demonstrating quantum state control of a macroscopic multi-partite system; demonstrating entanglement and entanglement transfer.
EXCELL's objectives are aimed at overcoming the fragmentation of the European research landscape in the area of multifunctional films. EXCELL moves frontiers of science and technology related to multifunctional films and improves European competitiveness by technology transfer. EXCELL's results will find a wide range of applications such as low-friction coatings earmarked for a wide use in mechanical engineering, new protective anticorrosion nano-films to be used in construction, marine and land transportation, etc., novel coatings with imbedded nano-clusters to be used in computer industry, etc.
FAST-DOT is an experimental program funded under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union to: Enable widespread application and further development of laser based photonics; Demonstrate new applications of lasers in biotechnology and medical fields; Develop new industrially integrated design rules for the production of specific quantum dot materials; Unlock the potential of quantum dot materials in biophotonics; Accelerate the implementation of quantum dot lasers through European SMEs and companies; Train a new generation of researchers in the range of new technological areas for quantum dot devices.
FIBLYS (or FIB anaLYSis) is a European funded project where leading researches and industry collaborate to create a new apparatus for nanotechnology that will unite nano-structuring, nano-manipulation, nano-analytic and nano-vision capabilities in one unique 'multi-nano' tool. It is based on a dual Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) together with Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) and optional possibility of important analytical capabilities such as Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), 3D Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS), Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) or Cathodoluminescence (CL).
The objective of FLEXONICS is the development of ultra-high barrier nanoscale films for r2r encapsulation of flexible electronics.
The FlexTech Alliance is the only organization headquartered in North America exclusively devoted to fostering the growth, profitability and success of the electronic display and flexible, printed electronics supply chain. Leveraging its rich history in promoting the display industry as the U.S. Display Consortium, the FlexTech Alliance offers expanded collaboration between and among industry, academia, and research organizations for advancing displays and flexible, printed electronics from R&D to commercialization.
The Bavarian research cooperation for miniaturised analysis techniques using nanotechnology.
FramingNano is an FP7 project funded by the European Commission. Its primary mission is to facilitate an international multi-stakeholder dialogue aimed at framing future regulatory actions that will foster the responsible development of nanotechnology.
Nearly one third of the currently 58 Institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is working in the field of nanotechnology