Nanotechnology Companies


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Showing results 126 - 150 of 1359

Develops a nanostructured material that stops bleeding almost instantly.
Arcnano employs state of the art manufacturing technologies and processes in a wide variety of disciplines spanning clean room wafer scale fabrication, precision machined parts, complex materials and electronics to make sensors, systems and mission critical components. Arcnano serves the semiconductor, photonics, data storage, medical, military, aerospace, instrumentation, and national laboratory markets.
Manufacturer and supplier of specialized nano materials and ceramics. Composites, Catalysts, Bio-medical, Microelectronic and Aerospace applications.
The company manufactures research-grade Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) systems for a variety of coating applications . Our systems, such as the GEM-D2, are designed to deposit defect free resistive and emissive coatings that are perfectly uniform in thickness, even deep inside high aspect ratio (HAR) structures such as Microchannel Plates or Channel Electron Multipliers. The ability to deposit such high quality films on substrates with ultra-high aspect ratios is a key feature of ARRADIANCE systems.
Arrayit Corporation empowers the genetic, research, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic communities through the discovery, development and manufacture of proprietary life science technologies and consumables for disease prevention, treatment and cure.
Designs, engineers and fabricates coatings, capsules, and "Artificial Cells" from polymers called polypeptides by a method called layer-by-layer self-assembly (LBL).
Grinding and dispersion machines for nanoparticles.
A biotechnology company engaged in the development and delivery of novel protein and cellular based therapies through design of proprietary Biological Nano Particles.
ASM International N.V. is a leading supplier of semiconductor process equipment in both front- and back-end markets. The Company possesses a strong technological base, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, a competent and qualified workforce and a highly trained, strategically distributed support network.
Develops and supplies software, hardware and measurement as well as optimization services, which have a relation to surface mechanics. The activities are especially focused on thin coatings in the range from some micrometers down to a few nanometers.
A leading provider of lithography systems for the semiconductor industry, manufacturing complex machines that are critical to the production of integrated circuits or chips.
Manufacturer of aerogels for thermal insulation products.
Asylum Research is a technology leader for atomic force and scanning probe microscopy (AFM/SPM) for a wide range of applications including, polymers, energy storage, semiconductors, 2D materials, piezo and ferroelectrics, and biomaterials.
ATA Scientific specialises in marketing and servicing analytical and scientific instruments with a products focus on the Particle Sciences, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy. They include instruments applicable to nano particle, micro emulsion and bio-surface research.
Provides labelled and chemically modified oligonucleotide scaffolds for nanotechnology applications.
The company offers 3D printers specialised in rapid prototyping of micro and nanodevices. The printers can also easily reproduce #microdevices with multiple materials.
Atotech is one of the world's leading suppliers of integrated production systems, chemistry and equipment for decorative and functional electroplating, semiconductor and printed circuit board manufacturing.
Attana AB develops and sells biosensors for analysis of biomolecular interactions. Attana's biosensors can be used to determine specificity, kinetics and affinity, amongst other binding characteristics of biomolecules and macrostructures of varying species such as cells, antibodies, proteins, viruses and bacteria.
Develops, manufactures, and distributes a new type of nanopositioning system for nanoscopy (SPM), nanotooling (probe stations) and nanopositioning (positioners).
Attolight produces a novel measurement tool that tracks ultrafast electron movements in nanostructures.
The company specializes in customized quantum dots, improving high-tech immovations based on the utilization of nanotechnologies.
AUREA Technology provides superior optical instruments, such as NIR single photon counters, that enable scientists and engineers to achieve outstanding results and remain at the cutting edge of their field. AUREA Technology works closely with its clients and partners around the globe to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in the optical communications, biomedical, life sciences, nanotechnology and semi-conductors industries.
Aurion's Plasma Systems division offers complete systems for plasma assisted surface treatment, that means for surface cleaning and surface modification as well as coating and etching (PVD, PECVD, RIE, Microwave).
Supplies high quality, calibration systems for atomic force microscopy imaging.
Authentication and anti-counterfeit technology.