Nanotechnology Companies


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Showing results 1351 - 1359 of 1359

Xtalic is focused on providing unique nanostructured alloys that provide corrosion resistance, wear resistance and exceptional appearance across a wide range of metal coating applications including decorative, functional and electronics.
Yflow uses electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) micro-fluidic techniques to generate fine and ultrafine electrified coaxial microjets of two immiscible liquids. The control of these remarkable coaxial jets allows to form nanoparticles such as capsules, hollow spheres, hollow fibers and coaxial fibers, which are crucial for a variety of industrial and research applications.
A market research and business development consulting company, facilitating market access for advanced technology industrial projects. Areas include: Micro and nanotechnologies for Life science and chemistry; Nanomaterials.
Z-Medica Corporation is a medical products company focused on innovative blood clotting nanotechnologies.
Surface functionalization by methods of micro- and nanopatterning become more and more important in many applications of the life science sector. Zell-Kontakt GmbH develops and improves polymer and glass products in the areas analytics, applied pharmaceutical research and functional genomics.
In late 2015, Zeon Corporation completed and begun operation of the world's first mass production plant for carbon nanotubes using the Super-growth method developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.
Zikon Inc. uses proprietary REED (Reverse Emulsion Electrophoretic Display) technology to create low-cost nanotechnology-based electronic Ink for flat panel displays.
Zurich Instruments is a technology leader developing and selling advanced test & measurement instruments for dynamic signal analysis. These devices are used in many fields of application by high-technology research laboratories and industrial development sites. Zurich Instruments' vision is to revolutionize instrumentation in the high-frequency (HF) and ultra-high-frequency (UHF) range by incorporating the latest analog and digital technology into powerful measurement systems for unprecedented functionality. Best-in-class performance, differentiating features, new measurement solutions, and premium customer support complete the unique offering.
Zymeworks' core business focus is to develop a pipeline of enabling industrial enzymes for bio-processing and bio-product manufacturing. Zymeworks' core competency is in molecular simulations.