Nanotechnology Companies


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Showing results 1151 - 1175 of 1359

The company develops state-of-the-art chemical simulation software for use in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research. The company's products range from general molecular modeling programs to a full-featured suite of drug design software including both ligand and structure based methods.
Scienomics is providing its industrial and governmental customers a full range of tools and services in the fields of molecular modeling and simulations.
A supplier of solutions for analytic requirements under UHV-conditions in the fields of surface science and nanotechnology.
Scientz products include ultrasonic cell disruptors, homogenizers, ultrasonic cleaners, water baths, Gene Gun system, autoclave, electroporation generator, freeze dryer, microscopes etc., which are widely used in the research fields of biological, medical, chemical, electrical and environmental.
SCRIBA Nanotecnologie Srl is a knowledge-intensive company with expertise in nanofabrication and processing of multifunctional materials. Scriba Nanotecnologie also develops identification, anticounterfeit, security and health products based on nanotechnology.
Selecta Biosciences is a biopharmaceutical company developing the first generation of nanoparticle immunomodulatory drugs for the treatment and prevention of human diseases.
Semblant's mission is to deliver advanced plasma deposited materials that radically improve electronics manufacturing.
SMIC is one of the leading semiconductor foundries in the world and the largest and most advanced foundry in Mainland China, providing integrated circuit manufacturing service at 0.35 micron to 65 nanometer and finer line technologies.
Semicore Equipment, Inc. is a Silicon Valley based manufacturer and worldwide supplier for the electronics, optical, solar energy, medical, automotive, military and related high technology industries. The company's high-performance production or R&D vacuum sputtering and thin film evaporation systems provide coatings on a variety of materials including plastic films, glass, ceramics, metals and hybrid substrates.
The company developed a Benchtop Scanning Electron Microscopes that is the size of an old computer. This device doesn?t require any maintenance and and very easily installed and is able to speed up the researches in the field of nanotechnology. It enables researchers to take high quality images at a very high magnification in less than 5 minutes.
SEMTech Solutions is a provider of reconditioned scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), both thermionic and field emission, as well as SEM service, parts, equipment, and accessories.
Sensofar-Tech, SL is a multi-national spin-off company from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) whose mission is to be successful by producing and commercializing optical metrology tools and providing consultancy within the field of the optical metrology.
The company's SensorMetric™ software packages help Sensory systems meet a breadth and depth of application challenges to include color measurement, nanometric measurement, primer measurement and L/O coating thickness measurement on a wide variety of metallic and non-metallic substrates.
SENTECH Instruments develops, manufactures and sells advanced quality instrumentation for Thin Film Metrology (reflectometer, ellipsometer, spectroscopic ellipsometer) and Plasma Process Technology (plasma etcher, plasma deposition systems).
The company develops and manufactures products in the area of chemical and biological separations (including carbon nanotubes), biosurfaces and proteomics.
Develops, manufactures, and sells a broad range of biological based materials and services essential for the manufacture of diagnostic tests, commercial bioproduction of therapeutic drugs,including clinically annotated DNA and RNA.
A manufacturer of scanning electron microscopes and electron beam applications.
SES Research is the first manufacturer to provide commercial quantities of Carbon Nano materials. SES Research has been providing high quality Carbon Nano materials to the research community for over two decades. With orders as small as 100 milligrams and as large as 5 kilograms, SES Research is the largest supplier of Carbon Nano materials, often supplying other fullerene suppliers with their raw materials.
SGS is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS undertakes material inspection services such as chemical composition and grain size measurement to ensure nanomaterials meet specifications. It further offers R&D Support, Quality Control along the Production Process, Environmental Analysis, and Reliability Tests.
Producer of wide range of nanoparticles, coating supplements and finishing agents.
The company manufactures instruments and software for the analytical laboratory industry. It's Analytical Division is one of the world?s largest manufacturers of analytical instrumentation and environmental monitoring equipment.
The company provides bespoke functionalized non-metallic and metallic nanoparticles along with consultancy and technical training services.
The company develops leading edge technologies in the areas of thin-film coating and surface functionalization, providing solutions for both roll-to-roll and batch processes.
Sila Nanotechnologies Inc. was founded in 2011 by a team of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology to revolutionize portable energy storage. They plan to create batteries that are lighter, smaller, and cheaper than today's state of the art lithium-ion technology.
Silicon Biosystems has developed a set of proprietary solutions called lab-on-a-chip technologies, targeted at miniaturized cell-biology testing. Silicon Biosystems exploits the microelectronics potential in order to produce miniaturized cellular biology laboratories.