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Source of mysterious radio waves from space pinpointed

Three independent studies have found the source of a particular fast radio burst (FRB) - unexplained radio waves that reach us from space and last just a fraction of a second - helping to solve the mystery of what causes the strange phenomenon.

Nov 4th, 2020

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Galaxies have gotten hotter as they've gotten older

The universe is some 13 billion years old and is often imagined as just a vast expanse of dark, almost empty space getting colder with time. Yet new research shows that all of its clusters of galaxies are simultaneously getting hotter as they get older.

Nov 3rd, 2020

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The farthest black hole from a rare family of galaxies

An international team of astronomers has identified the farthest example of a rare class of gamma-ray emitting galaxies. The so-called BL Lacertae object was discovered at cosmic dawn, within the first two billion years of the age of the universe.

Nov 2nd, 2020

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Lighting a path to Planet Nine

The search for Planet Nine - a hypothesized ninth planet in our solar system - may come down to pinpointing the faintest orbital trails in an incredibly dark corner of space.

Nov 2nd, 2020

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Galactic archaeology

Computational astrophysics study modeled for the first time faint supernovae of metal-free first stars, yielding carbon-enhanced abundance patterns for star formation.

Oct 22nd, 2020

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Evidence of broadside collision with dwarf galaxy discovered in Milky Way

Nearly 3 billion years ago, a dwarf galaxy plunged into the center of the Milky Way and was ripped apart by the gravitational forces of the collision. Astrophysicists announced today that the merger produced a series of telltale shell-like formations of stars in the vicinity of the Virgo constellation, the first such 'shell structures' to be found in the Milky Way.

Oct 20th, 2020

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Ultraviolet shines light on origins of the solar system

In the search to discover the origins of our solar system, an international team of researchers has compared the composition of the sun to the composition of the most ancient materials that formed in our solar system: refractory inclusions in unmetamorphosed meteorites.

Oct 20th, 2020

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