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The search for an isotropic gravitational wave background

An international team of astronomers has announced the results of a comprehensive search for a background of low-frequency gravitational waves. These light-year-scale ripples, a consequence of general relativity, permeate all of spacetime and could originate from mergers of the most massive black holes in the Universe or from events occurring soon after the formation of the Universe in the Big Bang.

Jan 12th, 2022

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From dust to planet: how gas giants form

Astrophysicists have developed computer simulations that simultaneously use multiple types of celestial matter to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how these colossal planets grow from tiny specks of dust.

Jan 12th, 2022

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Hunting for dead stars

What they become afterwards depends on how big they were at birth - in other words the mass that they had when they were formed.

Jan 11th, 2022

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Billions of starless planets haunt dark cloud cradles

In Lovecraftian horror, the Universe is filled with 'dark planets' ungraced by the light of a host star. New research shows that reality might be even scarier. An international team of astronomers has found about 100 planets floating freely in space rather than orbiting stars.

Dec 22nd, 2021

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