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Robots learn from each other on 'Wiki for robots'

Now it's not just people - robots are also connected by internet thanks to RoboEarth. Last week, after four years of research, scientists at Eindhoven University of Technology, Philips and four other European universities presented this online platform through which robots can learn new skills from each other worldwide - a kind of 'Wikipedia for robots'.

Jan 20th, 2014

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Your robot helper is on the way now it can learn from its friends

January is a time when many of us seek to better ourselves. We want to learn a new skill or improve an existing one. A network designed especially for robots, RoboEarth, is being tested in the Netherlands this week to help them with their own attempts at self-improvement. Soon our mechanical friends will be able to swap tips on how to best care for us and learn about their worlds.

Jan 17th, 2014

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Human arm sensors make robot smarter (w/video)

Using arm sensors that can 'read' a person's muscle movements, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have created a control system that makes robots more intelligent. The sensors send information to the robot, allowing it to anticipate a human's movements and correct its own. The system is intended to improve time, safety and efficiency in manufacturing plants.

Jan 16th, 2014

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The cyborgs era has started

Medical implants, complex interfaces between brain and machine or remotely controlled insects: Recent developments combining machines and organisms have great potentials, but also give rise to major ethical concerns. A new review entitled 'The Chemistry of Cyborgs - Interfacing Technical Devices with Organisms' discusses the state of the art of research, opportunities, and risks.

Jan 10th, 2014

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Moving robot surgery from labs to hospitals

What if, in a few years from now, human surgeons were only needed for the most delicate operations, leaving more common tasks to robots? This not-so-fictional future is the dream of Dr Paolo Fiorini, who coordinated the EUROSURGE project, which ultimately targets the commercialisation of newly developed technologies in this sector.

Jan 9th, 2014

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FIRST Robotics Competition global kickoff event

FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) will be joined by public figures to launch the 2014 season of the FIRST� Robotics Competition (FRC�) with a worldwide Kickoff event originating from Manchester, N.H.

Jan 6th, 2014

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99 Superb sites on mechatronics and robotics engineering

Mechatronics is an exciting, interdisciplinary field that combines electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials, robotics, and control systems. here is a list of 99 sites that cater o advanced mechatronics students and professionals, as well as those just starting out.

Dec 19th, 2013

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A robotic answer to safe, automated industrial maintenance

Maintenance and repair work in the aeronautics and construction industries can be both time-consuming and dangerous, which is why an EU project is developing robots that are a cost-effective way to get the job done without exposing workers to potential harm.

Dec 17th, 2013

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Micro-robots will become soft and move like biological organisms

Increasingly small robots that carry out their functions even inside the human body. No, this isn't a sci-fi dream but a close possibility. On one condition: the miniaturization of these devices requires them to acquire the same 'softness' and flexibility as biological tissues.

Dec 5th, 2013

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