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Delivery by drone

New algorithm lets drones monitor their own health during long package-delivery missions.

Aug 21st, 2014

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AI, robotics, and the future of jobs

This report is the latest in a sustained effort throughout 2014 by the Pew Research Center's Internet Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. The report covers experts' views about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, and their impact on jobs and employment.

Aug 9th, 2014

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Robot folds itself up and walks away

A team of engineers used little more than paper and Shrinky dinks - the classic children's toy that shrinks when heated - to build a robot that assembles itself into a complex shape in four minutes flat, and crawls away without any human intervention.

Aug 7th, 2014

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Driverless cars - issues arising for insurance companies

Lloyd's of London, the insurance underwriter, has recently produced a report about how autonomous car technology will affect the insurance industry. According to the report, insurance companies will have to create new methodologies on how they measure risk and charge motor insurance premiums.

Jul 26th, 2014

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Electronic nose could aid in robotic rescue missions

Researchers developed a device that allows multiple robotic platforms to follow the path of certain odors. A technology which could aid the search and rescue of people in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes or floods.

Jul 23rd, 2014

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Origami wheel robot (w/video)

Robotics researchers propose an origami-wheel design that is capable of varying its own transmission ratio between motor torque and ground reaction force, effectively creating a passive, continuously variable transmission.

Jul 21st, 2014

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Drone lighting

Autonomous vehicles could automatically assume the right positions for photographic lighting.

Jul 11th, 2014

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Your next Angry Birds opponent could be a robot (w/video)

With the help of a smart tablet and Angry Birds, children can now do something typically reserved for engineers and computer scientists: program a robot to learn new skills. The Georgia Institute of Technology project is designed to serve as a rehabilitation tool and to help kids with disabilities.

Jul 10th, 2014

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