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Self healing robots that 'feel pain' and heal themselves

Scientists will develop technologies within the new SHERO project that allow soft robots to self-heal damage. Because this repair process should not involve humans, the researchers are looking into self-healing materials to build the soft robots with.

Aug 8th, 2019

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How can robots land like birds? (w/video)

Birds can perch on a wide variety of surfaces, thick or thin, rough or slick. But can they find stable footing if a branch is covered in Teflon? In the interest of making better robots, researchers found out.

Aug 6th, 2019

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Centimeter-long snail robot is powered by light

Researchers used liquid crystal elastomer technology to demonstrate a bio-inspired microrobot capable of mimicking the adhesive locomotion of snails and slugs in natural scale. The 10-millimeter long soft robot harvests energy from a laser beam and can crawl on horizontal surfaces, climb vertical walls and an upside-down glass ceiling.

Jul 31st, 2019

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Robot control system for grasping and releasing objects under both dry and wet conditions

Researchers have developed a control system for deformable robot-fingertips for grasping and releasing objects. Previously developed robot fingertips with high friction texture can stably grasp a paper box, a soft object under both dry and wet conditions. By injecting a lubricant (absolute ethanol) the grasped object slipped downwards without changing the position of the robot fingertips.

Jul 16th, 2019

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A toolbox for building robots aware of their surroundings

Researchers have developed a toolbox principle for the simple assembly of safe robots using various components. The modules can be combined in almost any way desired, enabling companies to customize their robots for a wide range of tasks - or simply replace damaged components.

Jun 27th, 2019

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