Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanophysics: the right twist

Stacked layers of ultrathin semiconductor materials feature phenomena that can be exploited for novel applications. Physicists have now studied effects that emerge by giving two layers a slight twist.

Mar 28th, 2023

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Nanobiosensor developed for detecting SARS-CoV-2

Scientists have developed a nanobiosensor based on gold nanowires. Originally only intended for the detection of COVID-19-associated antigens and antibodies, the biosensor is also transferable to other biomarkers.

Mar 27th, 2023

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Listen up, material!

'Seven, one, nine, ...': A human voice pronounces digits, a physical material recognizes them with about 97 percent accuracy. This pattern recognition system was developed by physicists and enables multidimensional problems to be solved quickly and without energy-consuming training.

Mar 27th, 2023

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Performing Bio-AFM on live cells

A new application note discusses how atomic force microscope (AFM) systems can be used in various disciplines of biological research, such as imaging of live cells and bacteria, single-cell manipulation, or force spectroscopy on molecules, cells, or tissue.

Mar 27th, 2023

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Graphene grows - and we can see it

Many properties of the graphene and its cousins are still poorly understood - for the simple reason that the atoms they are made up of are very difficult to observe. Researchers have now found a surprising way to solve this issue.

Mar 24th, 2023

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