Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Controlling materials properties through nanoscale patterning

Scientists have developed a new way to control the electronic properties of materials. They created a nanoscale pattern of holes on a thin film of metal oxide known as titania. This noticeably improved the flow of electrons and inhibited the flow of ions in the material.

Apr 25th, 2023

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Heat highway in graphite ribbons

Scientists studied the flow of thermal energy in purified ribbons of graphite and showed that heat can move more like a liquid, rather than diffusing randomly, under certain conditions. This work can lead to more efficient heat removal from electronic devices, including such as smartphones, computers, and LEDs.

Apr 21st, 2023

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Physicists explore microscopic filament behavior

Physicists reveal how the three-dimensional shape of rigid microscopic filaments determines their dynamics when suspended in water, and how control of that shape can be used to engineer solid-like behavior even when the suspension is more than 99% water.

Apr 21st, 2023

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