Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The future of electronics is light

Scientists have demonstrated progress toward photonic chips in recent years. A key challenge is making sure the new light-based chips can work with all the existing electronic chips.

Nov 29th, 2016

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Nano factories to prevent bacterial colonization

In a new research project, scientists plan to place miniature factories on surfaces that will create a cocktail of chemical compounds. Without endangering humans, the released substances will then specifically target bacteria that attempt to replicate on these surfaces.

Nov 28th, 2016

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Model could shatter a mystery of glass (w/video)

Researchers have developed a computational model for creating a 'perfect glass' that never crystallizes - even at absolute zero. The model is a new way of thinking about glass and details the extremely unusual properties of a perfect glass.

Nov 28th, 2016

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Flying start for world's first graphene-enhanced aircraft

Prospero, the first model aircraft to incorporate a graphene skinned wing, was successfully flown at the Farnborough International Air Show in the UK earlier this year. The flight sets an example of how graphene might be used within the aerospace sector.

Nov 28th, 2016

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