Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Inspiring images invite you into the world of engineering

It could be a crystal ball from a mythical age showing the swirling mists of time, but this image, which has won this year's Department of Engineering Photography Competition, actually shows graphene being processed in alcohol to produce conductive ink.

Nov 29th, 2016

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Programmable disorder - Stochastic algorithms at the molecular scale

In contrast to biology, engineering seldom takes advantage of the power of randomness for fabricating complex structures. Now, a group scientists has demonstrated that randomness in molecular self-assembly can be combined with deterministic rules to produce complex nanostructures out of DNA.

Nov 29th, 2016

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Hybrid approach predicts and confirms structure of complex metal nanoparticles

A combined theoretical and experimental approach has allowed researchers to predict and verify the full structure of a monolayer-coated molecular metal nanoparticle. The methodology was tested on silver-thiolate nanoparticles, expanding on earlier knowledge about gold nanoparticles, and is expected to be applicable to a broad range of sizes of nanoparticles made of different elements.

Nov 29th, 2016

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Making flawless graphene coatings

Graphene holds the promise of such impressive applications as wear-resistant, friction-free coatings. But first manufacturers have to be able to produce large sheets of graphene under precisely controlled conditions.

Nov 29th, 2016

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Diamonds - the ultimate semiconductors

Diamonds' simple yet unique characteristics create significant potential for use in a wide range of purposes, including generation of environmental energy and biological applications.

Nov 29th, 2016

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