Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researcher pursues synthetic 'scaffolds' for muscle regeneration

Scientists are taking a synthetic approach to muscle regeneration. Their goal is to create a synthetic, porous, biologically compatible 'scaffold' that mimics the normal extracellular environment of skeletal muscle - onto which human cells could migrate and grow new replacement fibers.

Dec 20th, 2016

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Nanoparticle-based method shows promise in DNA vaccine delivery

Scientists have developed a novel method for delivering therapeutic molecules into cells. The method harnesses gold nanoparticles that are electrically activated, causing them to oscillate and bore holes in cells' outer membranes and allowing key molecules - such as DNA, RNA, and proteins - to gain entry.

Dec 19th, 2016

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First use of graphene to detect cancer cells

By interfacing brain cells onto graphene, researchers have shown they can differentiate a single hyperactive cancerous cell from a normal cell, pointing the way to developing a simple, noninvasive tool for early cancer diagnosis.

Dec 19th, 2016

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A first demonstration of spintronics-based artificial intelligence

Scientists have developed an artificial neural network in which their recently-developed spintronic devices, comprising microscale magnetic material, are employed. The used spintronic device is capable of memorizing arbitral values between 0 and 1 in an analogue manner unlike the conventional magnetic devices, and thus perform the learning function, which is served by synapses in the brain.

Dec 19th, 2016

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Digital wallpaper means end for painting and decorating

Redecorating your living room could be as easy as pressing a button thanks to scientists who have created a new ceramic tile that can change colour, pattern, or play videos with one tap of your finger, radically changing the way we interact with buildings or public spaces, and taking us a step closer to instant camouflage.

Dec 19th, 2016

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