Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New approach captures the energy of slow motion

A new concept in energy harvesting could capture energy currently wasted due to its characteristic low frequency and use it to power next-generation electronic devices, according to a team of materials scientists and electrical engineers.

Dec 21st, 2016

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Materials: when defects turn into qualities

An inventory of research on hybrid organic-inorganic materials to date has revealed surprising new properties for these materials. The more their crystalline structure has defects, the greater their performance.

Dec 21st, 2016

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Coffee-ring phenomenon explained in new theory

Scientists have modeled how a colloidal droplet evaporates and found a previously overlooked mechanism that more accurately determines the dynamics of particle deposition in evaporating sessile droplets, which has ramifications in many fields of today's technological world.

Dec 20th, 2016

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Going green with nanotechnology

Nanotechnology offers many chances to benefit the environment and health. It can be applied to save raw materials and energy, develop enhanced solar cells and more efficient rechargeable batteries and replace harmful substances with eco-compatible solutions.

Dec 20th, 2016

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Scientists see snowman's face in platinum encrusted nanoparticle

Researchers have captured the formation of a platinum encrusted nanoparticle that bears a striking resemblance to a festive snowman. As well as providing some Christmas cheer, the fully functional 'nano-snowman' has applications for providing greener energy and for advancements in medical care.

Dec 20th, 2016

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Characterization of magnetic nanovortices simplified

Processors and storage media making use of tiny structures called 'skyrmions' could one day lead to the further miniaturization of IT devices and improve their energy efficiency significantly.Physicists have now put forward a method which could speed up the screening of suitable materials.

Dec 20th, 2016

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