Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoscale view of energy storage

Through long shifts at the helm of a highly sophisticated microscope, researchers recorded reactions at near-atomic-scale resolution. Their success is another step toward building a better battery.

Jan 16th, 2017

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Giving citizens a voice in the era of nanotechnology

From user communities to school competitions, an EU project has given civil society a stronger voice in the ongoing debate over nanotechnology. The goal is to help ensure societal concerns are incorporated at all levels of decision-making, and that research with the potential to directly benefit citizens is prioritised.

Jan 13th, 2017

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Crystallography: Electron diffraction locates hydrogen atoms

Diffraction-based analytical methods are widely used in laboratories, but they struggle to study samples that are smaller than a micrometer in size. Researchers have nevertheless been successful in using electron diffraction to reveal the structure of nanocrystals.

Jan 13th, 2017

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Fast track control accelerates switching of quantum bits

An international collaboration among physicists recently demonstrated a new framework for faster control of a quantum bit. Their experiments on a single electron in a diamond chip could create quantum devices less prone to errors when operated at high speeds.

Jan 12th, 2017

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