Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Strength of hair inspires new materials for body armor

In a new study, researchers investigate why hair is incredibly strong and resistant to breaking. The findings could lead to the development of new materials for body armor and help cosmetic manufacturers create better hair care products.

Jan 18th, 2017

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Flexible ferroelectrics bring two material worlds together

Until recently, 'flexible ferroelectrics' could have been thought of as the same type of oxymoronic phrase. Thanks to a new discovery, scientists have pioneered a new class of materials with advanced functionalities that moves the idea from the realm of irony into reality.

Jan 16th, 2017

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Self-assembling particles brighten future of LED lighting

Engineering researchers have illuminated another path forward for LED technologies by refining the manufacturing of light sources made with crystalline substances known as perovskites, a more efficient and potentially lower-cost alternative to materials used in LEDs found on store shelves.

Jan 16th, 2017

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