Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

3D Glasses for topological materials

An electron's topology is closely linked to its quantum mechanical wave properties and its spin. This relationship has now been demonstrated directly by means of the photoelectric effect - a phenomenon in which electrons are released from a material, such as metal, with the aid of light.

Jul 13th, 2023

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Researchers visualize activity of CRISPR genetic scissors

Scientists have developed a new method to measure the smallest twists and torques of molecules within milliseconds. The method makes it possible to track the gene recognition of CRISPR-Cas protein complexes in real time and with the highest resolution.

Jul 12th, 2023

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New material shows promise for next-generation memory technology

Researchers have highlighted the potential use of sputtering to fabricate large-area 2D vdW tetra-chalcogenides. Using this technique, they fabricated and identified an exceptionally promising material that exhibits an ultra-low melting point of approximately 447 C (onset temperature), setting it apart from other TMDs.

Jul 10th, 2023

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