Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Listening to quantum radio

Researchers have created a quantum circuit that enables them to listen to the weakest radio signal allowed by quantum mechanics. This new quantum circuit opens the door to possible future applications in areas such as radio astronomy and medicine (MRI).

Mar 8th, 2019

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Researchers simulate the process of adhesive wear

Using high-performance computer simulations, researchers were able to observe how surface roughness changes when two materials rub together. Their findings, which provide insight into friction and wear mechanisms, have implications for areas ranging from engineering to the study of tectonic faults.

Mar 8th, 2019

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Two dimensional 'Lego' shows new methods for creating electronics

Physicists have discovered that when two atomically thin (two-dimensional) materials like graphene are placed on top of each other like a 'Lego' tower, their properties change and a material with novel hybrid properties emerges, paving the way for design of new materials and nano devices.

Mar 7th, 2019

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