Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Heading towards a tsunami of light

Scientists have proposed a way to create a completely new source of radiation. Ultra-intense light pulses consist of the motion of a single wave and can be described as a tsunami of light. The strong wave can be used to study interactions between matter and light in a unique way.

Mar 19th, 2019

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Semimetals are high conductors

Researchers have measured high conductivity in very thin layers of niobium arsenide, a type of material called a Weyl semimetal. The material has about three times the conductivity of copper at room temperature.

Mar 18th, 2019

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Mass manufacturing of metasurfaces

Advanced display technologies based on nanostructures could be mass manufactured by introducing existing techniques from the semiconductor electronics industry.

Mar 18th, 2019

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Nanocrystal 'factory' could revolutionize quantum dot manufacturing

Researchers have developed a microfluidic system for synthesizing perovskite quantum dots across the entire spectrum of visible light. The system drastically reduces manufacturing costs, can be tuned on demand to any color and allows for real-time process monitoring to ensure quality control.

Mar 15th, 2019

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