Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New method to create ultrafast 3D images of nanostructures

Scientists have developed a method in which two images of an object can be taken from two different directions using a single laser pulse. The images are then combined to form a spatial image - similar to the human brain forming a stereo image from two slightly different images of both eyes.

Apr 16th, 2019

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Light from exotic particle states

Researchers have developed a new type of light-emitting diode. Light is produced from the radiative decay of exciton complexes in layers of just a few atoms thickness.

Apr 15th, 2019

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3D printing MOFs with nanocellulose

Researchers demonstrate a 3D printable hydrogel ink containing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The synthesis and printing processes take place at room temperature using water as a solvent.

Apr 15th, 2019

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