Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Polymers to give early warning signs

Scientists have developed a method to tailor the properties of stress-indicating molecules that can be integrated into polymers and signal damages or excessive mechanical loads with an optical signal.

Apr 24th, 2019

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Printed organic electronics you can eat

Researchers report that organic transistors composed mainly of ingestible materials can be easily transferred on edible substrates by means of untreated commercial tattoo-paper.

Apr 24th, 2019

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Quantum distillery for light

The distillation of spirits increases the content of alcohol relative to the water content. A similar method works on light quanta - photons. It extracts individual photons from a light source, reduces the unwanted vacuum component, and heralds this event.

Apr 24th, 2019

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Watching molecules split in real time

A new method could be used to look at chemical reactions that other techniques can't catch, for instance in catalysis, photovoltaics, peptide and combustion research.

Apr 24th, 2019

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