Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Black (nano)gold to combat climate change

Researchers have transformed golden gold to black gold by simply changing the size and gaps between gold nanoparticles. This black gold acts like an artificial tree and uses CO2, sunlight and water to produce fuel.

Jul 3rd, 2019

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'Tsunami' on a silicon chip: a world first for light waves

Researchers have for the first time manipulated a light wave, or photonic information, on a silicon chip that retains its overall 'shape'. This foundational work is important because most communications infrastructure still relies on silicon-based devices for propagation and reception of information. Manipulating solitons on-chip could potentially allow for the speed up of photonic communications devices and infrastructure.

Jul 3rd, 2019

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Graphenes now go monolayer and single crystalline

Researchers have reported a truly single layer (i.e., adlayer-free) large area graphene film on large area copper foils. They refined the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth method by eliminating all carbon impurities inside the copper foils on which graphene is grown.

Jul 3rd, 2019

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Mixing microbes with graphene to produce clean energy

Research shows microbes and nanomaterials can be used together to form a biohybrid material that performs well as an electrocatalyst. The material could be used in the solar-powered production of carbon-free fuels and several other green-energy applications.

Jul 2nd, 2019

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New study shows nanoscale pendulum coupling

In 1665, Christiaan Huygens found that two pendulum clocks, hung in the same wooden structure, oscillated spontaneously and perfectly in line but in opposite directions: the clocks oscillated in anti-phase. Researchers now showed a nanoscale version of mechanic oscillators.

Jul 2nd, 2019

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