Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

If you want to catch more light, twist it

Scientists created devices based on one Weyl semimetal, tantalum arsenide. They observed that this material was able to convert more light to electricity than any other material. The conversion was 10 times higher than previous measurements with other materials.

Jan 31st, 2020

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A quantum of solid

Scientists have demonstrated the cooling of a levitated nanoparticle to the motional quantum ground state.

Jan 31st, 2020

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Researchers' golden touch enhances quantum technology

Scientists discovered a new platform for quantum technologies by suspending two-dimensional crystals over pores in a slab of gold. This new approach may help develop new materials for secure communication and sensing technologies based on the unique laws of physics at the atomic levels.

Jan 29th, 2020

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Coupled quantum dots may offer a new way to store quantum information

Researchers have for the first time created and imaged a novel pair of quantum dots -- tiny islands of confined electric charge that act like interacting artificial atoms. Such 'coupled' quantum dots could serve as a robust quantum bit, or qubit, the fundamental unit of information for a quantum computer.

Jan 29th, 2020

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Unexpected behaviour of the material: From 2D crystal to 1D wire

No volume, not even a surface: a one-dimensional material is like a wire and has properties that are completely different to its 3D counterpart. Physicists have now discovered a system that, at warmer temperatures, forms self-organized wires consisting of only one row of individual atoms.

Jan 29th, 2020

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