Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Laser-engraved metal to reduce environmental impact

Anti-fouling, hydrophobic metal or plastic surfaces that imitate shark skins, engraved by a new laser technology, could soon replace the toxic varnishes used in ship coatings to stop algae or barnacles sticking to hulls - reducing maintenance costs, fuel bills and CO2 emissions.

Feb 4th, 2020

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Thinning down Weyl semimetals provides a new twist to spintronics

Using a material's spin property to carry current opens up the possibilities to transfer data at much higher speed and achieves better energy efficiency than traditional devices that rely on electrical charges. However, this requires a material that can generate long-lived pure spin current with high efficiency.

Feb 4th, 2020

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Acoustically driven microrobot outshines natural microswimmers

Researchers have designed and fabricated an untethered microrobot that can slip along either a flat or curved surface in a liquid when exposed to ultrasound waves. Its propulsion force is two to three orders of magnitude stronger than the propulsion force of natural microorganisms such as bacteria or algae.

Feb 4th, 2020

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Finding the source of chemical reactions

Scientists have demonstrated a way to experimentally detect the most hidden aspect of all chemical reactions - the extremely short-lived transition state that occurs at their initiation. This pivotal discovery could become instrumental in gaining the ability to predict and externally control the outcomes of chemical processes.

Feb 4th, 2020

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