Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

What happens between the sheets (of graphene)?

Adding calcium to graphene creates an extremely promising superconductor, but where does the calcium go? In a new study, researchers have for the first time confirmed what actually happens to those calcium atoms.

Sep 17th, 2020

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Physicists make electrical nanolasers even smaller

Researchers have cleared the obstacle that had prevented the creation of electrically driven nanolasers for integrated circuits. The approach enables coherent light source design on the scale not only hundreds of times smaller than the thickness of a human hair but even smaller than the wavelength of light emitted by the laser.

Sep 16th, 2020

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Energy harvesting goes organic, gets more flexible

Researchers report using a combination of ultraviolet and ozone exposure to generate a wettability difference and an applied field to create horizontally aligned polarization of nanotubes on flexible substrates with interlocking electrodes.

Sep 15th, 2020

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