Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists develop printable organic transistors

Scientists have come a step closer to the vision of a broad application of flexible, printable electronics. They succeeded for the first time in developing powerful vertical organic transistors with two independent control electrodes.

Sep 22nd, 2020

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An acoustically actuated microscopic implant device

Researchers have developed remote-controlled, mechanical microdevices that, when inserted into human tissue, can manipulate the fluid that surrounds them, collect cells or release drugs. This breakthrough offers numerous potential applications in the biomedical field, from diagnostics to therapy.

Sep 22nd, 2020

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Engineers imitate human hands to make better sensors

An international research team has developed 'electronic skin' sensors capable of mimicking the dynamic process of human motion. This work could help severely injured people regain the ability to control their movements, as well as contribute to the development of smart robotics.

Sep 21st, 2020

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Having a ball: Crystallization in a sphere

Scientists used a droplet of a colloid as a model for single atoms or molecules in a sphere. Unlike single atoms or molecules, which are too small to easily observe, the colloid particles were large enough to visualize using a microscope. This allowed the researchers to track the ordering of single particles in real time during crystallization.

Sep 21st, 2020

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