Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Molecular chords

Max Planck researchers have for the first time analyzed the frequency of molecular resonance, in the same way as musicians analyze the notes of a chord. Their results have even been made audible.

Nov 19th, 2007

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Nanomedicine institute to develop tiny tools for medical diagnostics

UMass Amherst is host to a new nanomedicine institute focused on developing super-tiny structures for biomedical research. Work will focus on engineering fluorescent nanostructures for tagging proteins, engineering magnetic nanoparticles to remove pathogens from blood; and developing biodegradable nanostructures for fighting the malaria parasite.

Nov 19th, 2007

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Trapped rainbow: New technique to slow down, stop and capture light

The technique would allow the use of light rather than electrons to store memory in devices such as computers, enabling an increase in operating capacity of 1,000% by using light�??s broad spectrum rather than single electrons. Slow light could also be used to increase the speed of optical networks, such as the Internet.

Nov 17th, 2007

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