Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The changing color of gold

The copper ion Cu2+ is essential in biochemistry but can be toxic in high concentrations. Now, thanks to work by two chemists in the US, it can be detected with greater sensitivity.

Nov 21st, 2007

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New book presents methods to poke and prod individual molecules

Single-molecule biology is undergoing rapid growth. Tremendous technical advances have made it possible to probe molecules one by one, and to produce dynamic images as they twist, twirl, wobble, and unfold. These high-tech methods are the focus of a new book that was just released by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Nov 20th, 2007

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Prion fingerprints detected with glowing molecule

An effective and sensitive new method for detecting and characterizing prions, the infectious compounds behind diseases like mad cow disease, is now being launched by researchers at Linköping University in Sweden, among other institutions.

Nov 20th, 2007

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Nanoscience: Weak force. Strong effect.

The van der Waals force, a weak attractive force, is solely responsible for binding certain organic molecules to metallic surfaces. In a model for organic devices, it is this force alone that binds an organic film to a metallic substrate.

Nov 19th, 2007

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