Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Carbon fibers for nuclear reactor safety

Carbon fibers that are only one-tenth the size of a human hair, but three times stronger than steel, may hold up to the intense heat and radiation of next generation nuclear power generators, providing a safety mechanism.

Dec 10th, 2007

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Chemists make fullerene necklace

Spanish scientists have strung fullerene buckyballs together to produce a polymer with unique electronic properties. The creation of these polymers, which resemble a string of pearls, has demonstrated a new approach to designing novel materials.

Dec 8th, 2007

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MSU nanotechnology research nets Nano 50 Award

A new nanotechnology material developed at Michigan State University has enabled XG Sciences Inc., a startup company headquartered in East Lansing, to be named a winner in the third annual Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Awards program.

Dec 7th, 2007

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