Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New technique will deliver more detailed x-rays

European researchers have developed a way of producing extremely detailed x-ray images using conventional imaging equipment such as that found in hospitals and airports. The new technique produces so-called 'dark-field' images, which could be of use in a number of applications, including medical imaging and security screening.

Jan 21st, 2008

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New technology sharpens X-ray vision

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the EPFL in Switzerland have developed a novel method for producing dark-field x-ray images at wavelengths used in typical medical and industrial imaging equipment.

Jan 20th, 2008

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Room for improvement in nanotechnology field

Northeast Ohio and the entire state have some of the right materials to build a strong nanotechnology industry, but a few key elements are missing, according to a report released by regional technology advocacy group NorTech and the Nano-Network, a program focused on connecting the region�??s nanotech companies and assets.

Jan 19th, 2008

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Copper's not coping: new chips call on light speed

The tiny copper wires that connect different areas of an integrated circuit may soon limit microchip-processing speeds. So European researchers have developed technologies to produce and combine semiconductor microlasers with silicon wave guides for novel, power-efficient optical connections.

Jan 18th, 2008

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European Research Project on Graphene Nanoelectronic Devices kicks off in 2008

Will graphene really take the semiconductor industry towards the 'Beyond CMOS' era? Some answers to this key question are sought through experiment and simulation in a European research project on Graphene-based Nanoelectronic Devices called GRAND. The project starts January 1st, 2008 and is coordinated by Nanotechnology specialist AMO GmbH in Aachen, Germany.

Jan 18th, 2008

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Microfluidics for Life Sciences �?? Micronit and Microfluidics for Life Sciences �?? Micronit and IVAM invite to Open Business Day in Enschede

Micronit Microfluidics b.v. and IVAM Microtechnology Network are organizing an Open Business Meeting on February 21 in Enschede, the Netherlands. Leading institutes such as IMTEK and Mesa+ and the companies Micronit Microfluidics, Medimate, Boehringer Ingelheim microParts, and Bartels Mikrotechnik will present current trends and developments of micro fluidics for life sciences and medical devices.

Jan 18th, 2008

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