Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The MONA Nanophotonics Technology Roadmap now available

During 2 years, the MONA ('Merging Optics and Nanotechnologies') consortium has been working through workshops, symposia and expert interviews at establishing a roadmap for photonics and nanotechnologies in Europe. Almost 300 people from industry and academia have been involved in the construction of this roadmap that gives insight into the future of materials, equipment, processes and applications. It also highlights the European position and outlook with respect to nanophotonics, and offers recommendations.

Feb 6th, 2008

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Shear ingenuity: Tweaking the conductivity of nanotube composites

New measurements by scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have uncovered an intriguing wrinkle. For a given CNT concentration, the electrical properties of the composite can be tuned from being a conductor to a non-conductor simply by changing processing conditions - basically how fast the polymer flows.

Feb 6th, 2008

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IMEC realized full CMOS multiple antenna receiver for 60 GHz

At today's IEEE International Solid State Circuit Conference, IMEC introduced its prototype of a 60GHz multiple antenna receiver, and invites industry to join its 60GHz research program. The 60GHz band offers massive available bandwidth that enables very high bit rates of several Gbits-per-second at distances up to 10 meters (about 33 feet).

Feb 6th, 2008

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EUV research helps solve 193 resist problems

Leading-edge research into the requirements for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photoresist is helping to solve some of the problems encountered by 193 nm litho technology as it ventures into increasingly smaller CDs.

Feb 6th, 2008

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'Recordable' proteins as next-generation memory storage materials

Move over, compact discs, DVDs, and hard drives. Researchers in Japan report progress toward developing a new protein-based memory device that could provide an alternative to conventional magnetic and optical storage systems, which are quickly approaching their memory storage capacities.

Feb 6th, 2008

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European Commission gives grant to investigate transatlantic oversight of nanotechnology

Researchers at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Chatham House, Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN), an initiative of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and The Pew Charitable Trusts, have been awarded a $587,000 European Commission grant to conduct an international research project on regulating nanotechnologies in the European Union and United States.

Feb 6th, 2008

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